Wednesday, 15 February 2017

simple potato stack

Hello everyone,
Posting about recipe of potato stack (i named it as potato patice because of its looks:p)
So when i start with lovely potatoes it filled me with lots of happiness and craving inside my tummy that it is something about eating potato. i just WOW in my imagination. Cooking potatoes in any way is happiness. So is this recipe.
You just need potatoes and you have to say "LOVELY" seeing potatoes ;) just kidding. Anyways i used to do this and trust me it gives amazing experience.
OK so coming to the recipe you need potatoes of course, salt, ruddy chili, little olive oil or butter and a muffin dish or any other look alike dish which is microwave safe.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Ingredients are
  1. 1 potato
  2. pinch of salt
  3. pinch of ruddy chili(you can also use white pepper or black one. i use ruddy chili because i like its flavor and i recommend to try this chili flavour. Its good)
  4. 1 table spoon of olive oil
Now do some magic with these simple four ingredients,
First peel of your potato. You can also use them with skin if you really like it. Next slice them thinly and put all ingredients in a bowl to mix them together. Grease your muffin cup and put sliced potatoes in your muffin cup in any shape you like. Next you just have to put it in microwave oven for 5 to 7 minutes it ll be cooked properly. serve them in the same muffin cups or dish them out whatever your choice and enjoy.
Whenever you try this recipe you can share the pictures of your stack that is why i didn't share any picture to see yours:)

You can check the potatoes are cooked by inserting a knife. If its not cooked you can put it in microwave for 2 to 3 minutes more.
You can also put potato slices in flower shape so that it will give a lovely look after cooking it.

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